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SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra


Nick Trefethen is well-known for his work in approximation theory, pseudospectra, numerical linear algebra, and numerical complex analysis. The meeting will be an opportunity to celebrate his significant research contributions on his 60th birthday. The conference has a broad theme of new developments in all areas of numerical computation, with a special theme of algorithms for numerical computation with functions.

Plenary speakers: Penny Anderson (Mathworks); Marsha Berger (New York Univ); Jean-Paul Berrut (Fribourg Univ); Folkmar Bornemann (TU Munich); Brian Davies (King’s College London); Alan Edelman (MIT); Mark Embree (Virginia Tech); Bengt Fornberg (Univ of Colorado-Boulder); Anne Greenbaum (Univ of Washington); Leslie Greengard (New York Univ); Des Higham (Univ of Strathclyde); Nick Higham (Univ of Manchester); Randy LeVeque (Univ of Washington); Volker Mehrmann (TU Berlin); Michael Overton (New York Univ); Ian Sloan (The Univ of New South Wales); Gil Strang (MIT); Andrew Stuart (Warwick Univ); Andy Wathen (Univ of Oxford); Andre Weideman (Stellenbosch Univ)

REGISTRATION for the conference is now open.

Important Dates:

  • 20th January 2015: Registration deadline for contributed talks
  • 25th-28th August 2015: Conference dates
  • 27th August 2015: Banquet in Balliol College